
Maximum shareholders

Sheridan, Rabina and Darren have decided that they have sufficient complementary skills and sufficient capital to conduct their own business together. They all want to be involved in day to day business activity and they want to keep control strictly limited to themselves, but they also want to place a limit on the amount of capital they can lose. They have been told that there are several different ways in which their business could be organised, but they are currently undecided as to which. This is where there is a limit on how much Capital can be lost. If the company goes bankrupt, only the value of the shares is lost.

Crime since

This essay will consider whether there has been a growth in female crime since the early 1970s and whether this is linked to the growth in the modern women's movement. In order to do this I will highlight the links that have been made between an increase in female crime and the women's movement such as the decrease in chivalry, and an increase in 'maleness'. I will also draw attention to the possibility that these links could also be caused by the way crime statistics are put together, for example arrest rates, and that all crime is rising not just female, and that we need to look at specific crimes rather than crimes in general. The essay will consider patterns of female crime over history looking at the work of Feeley and Little (1991) who argue that female crime was on par with male crime 150 years ago and has been in steady decline since and that this is due to the shift in female roles within society.